Stem Cell Therapy & PRP Treatment

Foot & Ankle

Regenexx® Procedures for Foot & Ankle Conditions

The most common of foot and ankle conditions which can be treated with Regenexx® procedures are:

  • Arthritis of the foot & ankle

  • Ankle instability

  • Tear or split of the Peroneal tendon

  • Sprain of tear of a ligament

  • Subtalar arthritis or instability

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Bunions

How The Two Regenexx® Procedures Work

Text Sd Bone Marrow Concentrate designed in the style of a chemical symbol

Foot & Ankle Treatments with Bone Marrow Concentrate Rich in Stem Cells

Stem cells have the ability to replicate and develop into healthy new tissue. These cells are stored in your body and poised to leap into action to repair damage. Unfortunately , as you age or get injured, you may not have enough of these cells to fully repair affected areas but Regenexx® procedures help overcome this challenge.

During your bone marrow aspiration (BMA) your stem cell-rich tissue will be extracted in the on-site laboratory and later the same day a concentrated dose of cells will be injected precisely into the damaged area amplifying your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

According to the current research stem cell-rich tissue extracted from bone marrow tend to develop into cartilage and bone cells and therefore bone marrow is preferable source of stem cells used in orthopaedic conditions.

Text Scp Super Concentrated Platelets designed in the style of a chemical symbol

Foot & Ankle Blood Platelet Treatments

Platelets injections stimulate healing by providing important concentrated growth factors from your blood to the site of injury. The concentrated dose of growth factors facilitates the action of your body to repair damaged tissue.

Our advanced platelet products are more pure and concentrated than those created by automated machines.

Platelet procedures are commonly used for soft tissue injuries, mild arthritis and spine conditions. They can be used as a stand alone procedures or in combination with procedures using stem cell-rich tissue.

Enjoy life • Use your own body's healing powers • Avoid surgery •

Enjoy life • Use your own body's healing powers • Avoid surgery •

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