The tried, tested and trusted approach to regenerative interventions

Regenexx® is a world leader in the field of regenerative medicine based on scientific publications and is arguably the world’s most advanced platform for in-office interventional treatments.

Where are you experiencing pain?

Find out more about how a Regenexx® Procedure could help you

Pioneering in research & publications

The published research on Regenexx® procedures accounts for approximately 44% of the world’s research on the use of bone marrow concentrate for orthopaedic conditions (cumulative number of patients published and treated with bone marrow concentrate as of 1/1/2019)

Over 173,750 procedures performed

More than 173,750 highly specific image-guided Regenexx® procedures have been performed since Regenexx® pioneered the field of interventional orthopaedics, using bone marrow concentrate to treat common orthopaedic problems in 2005.

How Regenexx® procedures work

Text Sd Bone Marrow Concentrate designed in the style of a chemical symbol

Bone Marrow Concentrate

According to the current research stem cells extracted from bone marrow tend to develop into cartilage and bone cells and therefore bone marrow is preferable source of stem cells used in orthopaedic conditions. The Regenexx-SD (Same Day) Procedure helps overcome this problem by harvesting Bone Marrow from an area of the back of the hip that contains a dense population of these important cells and then concentrating those cells before precisely injecting them into the injured area using advanced imaging guidance.

Text Scp Super Concentrated Platelets designed in the style of a chemical symbol

Super Concentrated Platelets

Our Advanced Platelet Procedures are more concentrated and purer than PRP created by the automated machines used at most regenerative medicine clinics, increasing its ability to stimulate the body's natural healing response. Platelet procedures are commonly used for soft tissue injuries, mild arthritis, spine conditions, and around nerves.

Regenexx® is a provider network doing procedural based care.

We pioneered the use of bone marrow concentrate to treat common musculoskeletal conditions and help people avoid surgery using cells from their own body.

Get back to doing the things you love faster and without surgery.